The 2019 Skål International Sustainable Tourism Awards
17 septiembre, 2019 (19:01:47)
The 18th annual presentation of the Skål International Sustainable Tourism Awards has taken place on Sunday, 15 September 2019 during the Opening Ceremony of the 80th Skål International World Congress held onboard the Royal Caribbean 'Symphony of the Seas'.
The Skål International Sustainable Tourism Awards were launched in 2002 to spotlight best practices in terms of sustainable and responsible Tourism around the world, enhance the visibility and grant recognition to entities from the Tourism Industry. A total of 56 entries from 25 countries from all over the world have this year competed.
Independent Judges
Three prominent and distinguished judges have independently evaluated the entries received according to leadership criteria in sustainability that encompass tangible, measurable benefits to the environment, enhance business, and the society and communities in which they operate. for the meticulous and laborious work they have conducted. Skål International sincerely appreciates their time and efforts for the meticulous and laborious work they have conducted: Tomás de Azcárate y Bang, President of the Responsible Tourism Institute; Mario Hardy, CEO of Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), and Samantha Bray, Managing Director of the Center for Responsible Travel (CREST).
The winners of the 2019 Skål International Sustainable Tourism Awards are:
Category 'Community and Government Projects': The Periyar Tiger Reserve (India). Category 'Countryside and wildlife': Nilva Enoturismo (Spain). Category 'Educational Programmes and Media': Colombia Exótica (Colombia). Category 'Major Tourist Attractions': The South African Animal Sanctuary Alliance (South Africa). Category 'Marine and Coastal': See Turtles (USA). Category 'Rural Accommodation': Anurak Community Lodge by Yaana Ventures (Thailand). Category 'Tour Operators - Travel Agents': Himalayan Ecotourism (India). Category 'Urban Accommodation': Hotel Alimara (Spain).
Special Skål Biosphere Award 2019
Skål International has also established a partnership with Biosphere Tourism and the Responsible Tourism Institute to present a Skål Biosphere Award to one of the entries selected based on the pillars of sustainability of the Responsible Tourism Institute. The lucky winner who has won a one-year free Biosphere Certification is Himalayan Ecotourism, from India.
From Skål International, congratulations to the winners and thank you to all the projects that have entered.
Biosphere Tourism develops certifications to guarantee an adequate long-term balance between the economic, socio-cultural and environmental dimensions of a Destination, reporting significant benefits for a Tourism entity, society and the environment. This certification is granted by the Responsible Tourism Institute (RTI), an international non-profit NGO, in the form of an association, which has promoted, for more than 20 years, responsible Tourism at an international level, helping all the actors involved in the Tourism sector develop a new way of traveling and of knowing our Planet.
Skål International is a professional organisation of Tourism leaders around the world, promoting global networking and friendship since 1934. It is the only international association uniting all branches of the Travel and Tourism industry. Skål International is an Affiliated Member of the UNWTO and supports The Code, PATA, IIPT, STI, among others.
For any question regarding the Sustainable Tourism Awards, please contact our Communication Team.
Link to the Press Release in English
Link to the Press Release in Spanish